Activities of Lord Gautam Buddha Trust (LGBT)
Education is critical to the alleviation of poverty; it improves health and productivity, drives gender parity and promotes opportunities for upward mobility. It is the foundation of the nation’s socio-economic development and can be considered the most important investment for progress. Currently, through the education portfolio, the Lord Gautam Buddha Trust strive to provide ‘Authentic learning for all’ in a comprehensive and holistic manner. The goal is to provide high-quality, authentic, real-world, active learning experiences that mould productive and well-rounded 21st century citizens while also working to ensure equitable access to these learning opportunities.
The Lord Gautam Buddha Trusthas been engaged for decades in the field of public health. LGBT supports multi-pronged initiatives to address issues that cover both communicable and non-communicable diseases and range widely from malaria and tuberculosis to cancer, maternal and child health and mental health. The goal is to strengthen healthcare delivery capability through a multipronged approaches.
The Lord Gautam Buddha Trust aims to create robust livelihood opportunities to enable households to earn more, and lead healthier lives. The Livelihoods portfolio covers a number of integrated community-based interventions across India that strive to improve rural incomes through modern farming practices, water management, soil conservation, livestock and animal husbandry, market linkages, crafts, etc.
Skill Development
The Lord Gautam Buddha Trust programmes are designed to promote livelihood opportunities through education and practical training, with the overarching aim of enhancing the country’s competitiveness and economic development.